Sunday, August 23, 2009

A Call for Membership

QUO VADIS NOVO ECIJANOS YOUTH MOVEMENT is looking for committed and dedicated members to establish a chapter in CLSU. It will affiliate two (2) organizations with it, namely, College Youth Club or College-Y (YMCA) and College Red Cross Youth Council (PNRC).
Membership Fees depend on your selected affiliation:

1. QVNEYM - P50.00
2. College-Y - P50.00
3. Red Cross- P35.00

You may secure membership forms from Sir Francis, Jessamyn Ferrer, Jonnie Payoyo, Jonathan Gacutan or John Carlo Tecson.

Organization Profiles

QVNEYM is an organization of Novo Ecijano youth – students, young professionals and community youth, founded on October 4, 2008. Quo Vadis is non-political and non-profit organization founded on principled leadership by young Novo Ecijanos. Its vision is to empower the young Novo Ecijanos to be active participants in the educational, social, economic, political and environmental transformation of the Province. Its primary mission is to involve and mobilize the youth in worthwhile activities that promotes positive and proactive activism.

YMCA's mission and vision is to develop well-balanced Christian personality, mission in life and usefulness of individuals, as well as to promote unity among Christians and understanding among peoples of all faiths, to the end that the brotherhood of Man under the Fatherhood of God may be fostered in an atmosphere of mutual respect and tolerance and to promote on equal basis the physical, mental, social and spiritual welfare of the youth and to emphasize reverence for God, social discipline, responsibility for the common good, respect for human dignity and the observance of the Golden rule.

Red Cross Youth is one of the six major services of the Philippine National Red Cross. Its mission is to educate and empower the children and youth in the spirit of Red Cross through constructive trainings and effective leadership, and provide opportunities for directing and harnessing their energy and idealism into worthwhile humanitarian activities. Its objectives are (1) Advocacy and inculcation of humanitarian values and character building; (2) Protection of life and promotion of community health; (3) Service and solidarity; (4) National/International friendship, understanding and education for peace; and (5) Dissemination of the Red Cross seven fundamental principles and International Humanitarian Law.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Natalo Ba Kami?

The Athletic Intramurals of CLSU culminated just today, August 21, that I do hope that most of our Unit I's Teams which reached the finals grabbed the Gold.

I coached the Unit's Badminton Men's Team. Our team (including that of the ladies) landed 2nd Runner-Up Overall.

Is that OK? For me, its more than OK.

When I received my designation as the new unit coach for badminton, I already had a plan in mind. Since CED has a Multipurpose Hall, we can have our practice there every night. I personally thought of this to avoid the crowded courts in the gymnatorium where Unit V (CAS) usually practices.

Badminton ended Thursday (August 20) morning, without my team in the finals. Was I sad? Was I angry? Was I happy? Is it really just fine?

I have played badminton since grade school. I've been a member of the varsity team since high school until I graduated college. I think I have given my best in preparing our students to compete in the Athletic Intramurals.

There must have been some lapses in my training style but I believe my student athletes gave the other teams a tough competition. I could have psyched them more to prepare them for battle or even during the battle but I'm also an umpire. I felt helpless while I see our players on the other court getting frustrated about what to do while I'm on the other court officiating the other game.

I'm happy because both teams contributed to our overall points in the Unit's standing.

I also believe that our team's efforts, practice and preparations paid off.

Hats off to the Unit I's Badminton team.