Monday, May 10, 2010


I arrived at Cabanatuan East Central School at around 8:00AM. I looked for my polling precinct and looked for my name. I lined up at around 8:30AM got in the clustered precinct at 9:00. The BEI's let my sign the voter's book and handed me the Official Ballot. It only took me around 8 minutes to shade because I brought with me a list of the candidates I will vote.

I took the Ballot in the PCOS Machine, around 2 minutes it said "Congratulations! Your vote has been cast." I went back to the BEI to put my thumbmark on the voter's book and had my indelible ink on my index finger.

What can I say? Well, it will really take time because of the long lines but the voting inside the precinct is really fast. I hope that there will be no "Hokus PCOS" on this year's elections.

I hope that the state respects our sacred right to suffrage.

My Message

To our dear politicians and supporters, please respect the people's decision, especially if we know that there has been no irregularities. Please stop harassing the teachers who has accepted the responsibility to facilitate our elections. Please don't burn our classrooms because I believe it is your platform to improve the quality of education in your respective communities. Let's be vigilant as to what will happen to our votes.

To those whose votes has been bought, it is your future and your children's future at stake on this elections.

To all the Filipinos, please keep up the discipline of lining-up and waiting for your turn. Patience is a virtue.

I hope that we will really have the will of the people in the results of the 2010 National Elections.

Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!

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